First aid for your pet dog


Accidents can happen any time, and as the name suggests, you can never see them coming. So the best thing you can do is stay prepared, especially when any such accident happens to include your pet dog. For this purpose, we would like to share with you everything you need to know about pet injuries, how you must approach them, and a list of medical aid you will need.


Situations that call for first aid:

Cuts & bruises:

While playing out in the open, it’s possible that your pet runs into sharp objects like stones, broken glass, etc, that can cause a wound. Your 1st reaction must be cleaning the wound with safe disinfect and covering the cut with a bandage to stop the bleeding. You can consider using a muzzle to prevent your dog from interacting with the wound.

Burns & scalds:

If the burn is a minor one, you can treat it by applying cooling water and keeping them warm and calm. If the burn is a major one, do not risk it, contact your vet as soon as possible.

Drowning in water:

Be extra cautious when your dog is around water bodies. If they happen to be drowning in water, the first thing you must do is wipe the water around their nose and mouth dry. Then proceed to hold their hind legs to elevate them so the water exits their body. If they are unable to breathe, give them resuscitation. Take them for a checkup to the vet after the incident to prevent any problems later.

Pulled off claws:

This condition can be very painful for your dog and not to mention it is extremely prone to infection. In this situation, cover the affected area with a bandage so it doesn’t worsen in the time it takes to get to the vet.

Splinters & thorns:

Once you have identified the location of the splinter in your dog’s paw you must clean the area around it to avoid the risk of infection. Once you are done with cleaning the area, dry it up with a clean soft towel. Before you address the splinter, as an extra safety measure you can consider sterilizing a set of tweezers. You can then gently remove the lodged splinter. Don’t forget to bandage the area as the final step of safety.


Things to keep handy for your pet’s first aid needs:


-Organic cotton balls

-Antiseptic ointment (as recommended by the vet)

-Digital thermometer



-Soft towel

-Soft muzzle

While these methods are easy to perform and these situations might not be all that threatening, remember that it’s always a good habit to get your pet checked by the vet especially when you feel like something is fishy or out of the ordinary after all, you can never be too safe and cautious when it comes to the health and safety of your little doggo!

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