The process of de-worming of dogs

As a pet parent, it’s incredibly crucial to know the importance of de-worming your pet. The reason being, that something that could seem to be a measly and harmless little worm could turn out to be your dog’s biggest and extremely itchy nightmare. But that’s not where the terror ends. If left ignored these persistent worms can cause loss of appetite, weakness, and even nausea in addition to itchiness.

So how can you go about dealing with the commonly seen problem? The answer is simple and like trying to solve every issue the first step is to learn about the enemy – the worms.

Hookworm – Commonly seen to affect dogs that play in wet grass or contaminated soil, these worms have hook-like teeth and affect the intestinal organs.

Roundworm – These larvae can be ingested by dogs unknowingly through rodents and other infected prey. These worms can cause vomiting and diarrhea too.

Whipworm – These are some of the most common forms of worm that affect dogs. If left ignored these intestinal parasites can cause serious bloody diarrhea.


Deworming schedule:

Dogs of different ages react differently to worm infections. Here are a few basic guidelines you can use to base your pet’s de-worming scheduling on.

Puppies –

Young pups are relatively more prone to being infected by parasitic worms. That’s why the frequency of deworming for pups looks similar to the following:

less than 3 months – once in 2 weeks

3 to 6 months old – once a month

6 to 12 months old – once in 2 months

Adults dogs –

Once they’ve grown up a bit dogs learn to clean themselves often and are hence lesser susceptible to worm but that doesn’t mean they are out of danger completely. To be on the safe side it’s a good practice to get your dog dewormed once every 3 months. Even though it might not always seem necessary, they just love you all the more for it.

When it comes to our pet’s happiness we always go the distance so make sure you have an effective and healthy deworming schedule that your vet approves of because after all, it’s better to be safe than make them feel sorry.

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