A Comprehensive Guide to Cat Spaying: Post-Surgery Care and Recovery shirts

Cat Spaying


Cat Spaying: Post-Surgery Care and Dressing

As cat owners, we always strive to ensure our feline companions enjoy the best health possible. A crucial aspect of cat care is spaying, a surgical procedure that removes a female cat’s ovaries and uterus. This not only prevents unwanted pregnancies but also lowers the risk of specific reproductive cancers. However, post-surgery care is vital for a smooth recovery. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about cat spaying, post-surgery care, and dressing.

What is Cat Spaying?

Cat spaying, also known as an ovariohysterectomy, is a surgical procedure that removes a female cat’s ovaries and uterus. A licensed veterinarian typically performs this procedure.

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Benefits of Cat Spaying

Spaying a cat has several benefits, including:

  • Prevention of unwanted pregnancies
  • Reduced risk of reproductive cancers
  • Decreased likelihood of behavioral issues, such as spraying and yowling
  • Lowered risk of uterine infections

Spay Surgery Process in Cats

Spay surgery, or ovariohysterectomy, is a surgical procedure performed on female cats to remove their reproductive organs, specifically the ovaries and uterus. The surgery prevents unwanted pregnancies, reduces the risk of certain health issues, and addresses behavioral issues associated with the reproductive cycle.

Pre-surgical Examination

Before the surgery, the veterinarian will perform a physical examination to assess the cat’s overall health and determine if there are any underlying issues that may complicate the procedure. Blood work may also be performed to evaluate the cat’s organ function and overall health.


To ensure the cat’s comfort and safety during the surgery, general anesthesia is administered. This renders the cat unconscious and unable to feel pain throughout the procedure.


Once the cat is anesthetized, the surgical site (usually on the lower abdomen) is shaved and cleaned with an antiseptic solution to minimize the risk of infection.

Surgical Incision

The veterinarian makes a small incision in the cat’s lower abdomen, through which the reproductive organs are accessed.

Removal of Reproductive Organs

The ovaries and uterus are carefully removed. Blood vessels and tissues connected to these organs are tied off or cauterized to prevent bleeding.

Closing the Incision

After the reproductive organs are removed, the veterinarian sutures the incision, using either dissolvable stitches or non-dissolvable stitches that will need to be removed later. The surgical site may also be closed with surgical glue or staples.


Once the surgery is complete, the cat is moved to a quiet area to recover from anesthesia. The veterinary team will monitor the cat’s vital signs and ensure a smooth recovery.

Post-operative Care

The cat will typically be sent home once fully awake and stable. The owner will receive instructions on how to care for the surgical site, monitor for signs of complications, and manage pain. The cat may need to wear a surgical pet shirt to prevent licking or biting the surgical site.

Spaying is a routine procedure, and most cats recover quickly with minimal complications. However, as with any surgery, there are inherent risks, and it is essential to follow the veterinarian’s post-operative care instructions to ensure a successful recovery.

At What Age Can a Cat Undergo Sterilization?

Although most veterinarians advise spaying a cat between six and seven months old, it is still possible to safely spay an adult, unfixed cat. Cats of any age, even those in their late teens, can undergo spaying. To ensure they’re healthy enough for anesthesia,

Cat Spaying

your veterinarian may suggest blood tests and an ECG.

Spaying an older cat not only can be performed safely, but it also lowers the chances of the cat developing specific cancer types and uterine infections.

How Much Does It Cost to Spay a Cat?

The cost of spaying a cat can vary based on factors such as the veterinarian, geographical location, the cat’s age, existing medical conditions, and whether the cat is in heat. For those requiring financial assistance, certain animal shelters and animal welfare organizations might provide affordable spaying services.

Preparing for Cat Spaying

Consultation with a Veterinarian

Before scheduling a cat spaying appointment, it is essential to consult with a licensed veterinarian. They will assess your cat’s health and determine if she is suitable for surgery. Additionally, they will provide you with specific instructions on how to prepare for the procedure, including dietary restrictions and medication.

Pre-surgery Preparation for Cat Spaying

Preparing your cat for spaying surgery involves several steps, including:

  • Fasting your cat for 12 hours before surgery
  • Ensuring your cat is up to date on vaccinations
  • Administering medication prescribed by the veterinarian
  • Arranging transportation to and from the veterinary clinic

Post-Surgery Care

Recovery Period

After the spaying surgery, your cat will need time to recover. It is essential to keep her in a quiet and comfortable place, away from other animals and children. The recovery period typically lasts for 7-14 days.

Monitoring Your Cat’s Condition

During the recovery period, it is crucial to monitor your cat’s condition closely. Signs of complications may include:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Swelling or discharge at the surgery site

Consult your vet immediately if these persist.

Post-surgery Care Instructions

The veterinarian will provide you with specific post-surgery care instructions for your cat. These may include:

  • Administering medication as prescribed
  • Restricting your cat’s activity level
  • Providing a comfortable and quiet recovery space
  • Monitoring your cat’s food and water intake

Dressing Your Cat After Spaying Surgery

Importance of Recovery Shirts for cat spaying

Dressing your cat in a recovery shirt after spaying surgery is crucial for their recovery. Recovery shirts play an important role post-surgery. The shirts help protect the incision site from infection and prevent your cat from licking or scratching it.

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Additionally, the dressing helps to keep the area clean and dry, aiding in the healing process.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Dressing Your Cat in Recovery Shirts

  1. Choose a comfortable and breathable dress. Avoid dressing that is too tight or restrictive.
  2. Gently clean the incision site with a mild antiseptic solution.
  3. Place the dressing over the incision site, ensuring that it is secure but not too tight.
  4. Monitor the dressing regularly to ensure that it remains clean and dry.
  5. Follow the veterinarian’s instructions on how long to keep the dressing on.
  6. Look for a zip or an opening at the belly for vets to monitor the wound without removing the shirt.
  7. Buy a shirt with a pocket for the ice pack to give your cats relief from pain.


Cat spaying is an essential aspect of cat care that requires careful consideration and preparation. Post-surgery care is crucial to ensure a smooth recovery for your cat. Dressing your cat after spaying surgery is an essential part of post-surgery care, and recovery shirts provide a convenient and effective solution. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can help your cat recover quickly

d to prevent complications and infections.

Can I use a regular shirt to dress my cat after spaying surgery?

While you can use a regular shirt to dress your cat, MAXX PET shirts are specifically designed for post-surgery care and provide additional benefits such as breathability and ease of use.



When should I spay my cat?

It is recommended to spay your cat before she reaches six months of age. However, it is possible to safely spay an adult, unfixed cat as well.

Is cat spaying painful?

Spaying is a surgical procedure, and there may be some pain and discomfort during the recovery period. Your veterinarian will provide medication to manage any pain.

How long does it take for a cat to recover from spaying surgery?

The recovery period typically lasts for 7-14 days.

Can my cat go outside after spaying surgery?

It is recommended to keep your cat indoors during the recovery period to prevent complications and infections.

Can I use a regular shirt to dress my cat after spaying surgery?

While you can use a regular shirt to dress your cat, recovery shirts are specifically designed for post-surgery care and provide additional benefits such as breathability and ease of use.

By following the comprehensive guide provided in this article, you will be well-equipped to care for your cat during the spaying process and recovery period. Ensure that you consult with your veterinarian and follow their specific instructions to help your cat recover smoothly and comfortably. Using a recovery shirt for post-surgery care can provide your cat with the comfort and protection they need to heal properly.

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